Monday 6 June 2011

St. Oswald's Way - Day 4

Today gave us our first glimpse of our final destination - it seemed so close from Bamburgh Castle and yet our route took us inland on a seeming detour to the town of Belfour.  We walked further today so that our mileage would be less tomorrow but we still managed to stop for refreshments on the way:)

I read a quote which made lots of sense: "Pilgrimage is physical prayer.'

My journeying thought for today again from the Psalms was:'pray today that your "feet may not slip" as you try to be the person God is calling you to be.'  How easily my feet slip when my life is not grounded in God and how easily my feet are distracted by the entcing ground of busyness.

Day 3 - Howdiemont Sands to Beadnell

Today we continued to make our way up the coast reflecting on the words: 'You have brought us out to a spacious place.' (Psalm 66:12).  Walking this way has reminded of the vastness of God and his amazing majesty.  What an amazing God who knows us individually.  Two stops today - one in a cafe and one in a pub before saying evening prayer in the ruins of Ebb's Chapel and a snese that even if we kept silent the stones would cry out.  We got wet today but only briefly - the weather has been fantastic.

Pilgrimage - Day 2

It was back to Warkworth Castle for the start of Day 2 and a 'proper' walk of 10miles.  Today we got our first glimpse of the fantastic coastline.  I still struggled today with a sense of wanting to have some revelation/deeper experience of God which in hindsight came when I stopped striving and simply 'soaked up God' (slightly ironic as today my water bottle leaked and I ended up walking with a wet back!

The psalm for the day contained these words: 'lead me and guide me' (Ps 31:3) - words which I reflected on as I made my way up the coast.  We reached Alnmouth in time for lunch followed by coffee and cake!!  Having made good time we arrived at Howdiemount Sands two hours ahead of pickup time and so there was opportunity to stop, take in the beauty and test the tempertature of the North Sea!

Friday 20 May 2011

St.Oswald Part 1

Apologies for the lack of blogging for a little while.  Having spent last week in Northumbria I returned to a week which included a day conference, photography course and local walking retreat!  These were in addition to family time, reading time and sleeping:)

Where to start with my pligrimage 'Following in the Footsteps of St. Oswald...'  Approaching Alnmouth station at the end of an 8 hour journey on Monday 9th I had that sense of having received a present, savoured it and now on the point of opening it I wasn't sure what to feel - what if opening it I was disappointed...

Stepping off the train I was warmly welcomed by a member of the community who had travelled to pcik me up - very quickly I felt at ease - it was going to be ok.  I learned that four of us were going to be on pilgrimage that week.

Having arrived, had a cuppa and a tour I settled in to unpacking my things, getting ready for dinner and anticipating the walk which was to come in the evening.  I got myself in a bit of a stew because looking at the information I'd received there wasn't anything that lent itself to me focussing on - I was chasing an experience of God and felt I needed a word/thought/picture something to focus on.  I sensed God gently tell me not to stress and simply to be restfully present in each moment - not easy for an activist with high expectations...  I was reminded of the words of Jesus, 'Consider the birds of the air and the flowers of the field...Matthew 6:26 - 28' a thought I would have ample time to return to during the week.

With dinner complete we set off on the first 6mile part of our pilgrimage - spending time getting to know each other, walking at times in silence, at times alone and at others with others, simply being attentive to all that was going on around us.  Day 1 concluded with Compline in the grounds of Warkworth Castle.

Enjoy the photographs, thanks for sharing the journey and do feel free to comment on the blog/thoughts it brings up for you.

More later


Sunday 8 May 2011

This Week

Sunday evening - packing complete as my sabbatical takes a different shape this week - I'm off at 6am to the Northumbria Community in order to follow in the footsteps of St. Oswald finishing up on Holy Island next Saturday.

I'm not sure what to expect but I go forward in trust.


Today (Wednesday) what started off as a few minutes clearing a shed turned into a day long gardening event!

It was exhilarating to be in the garden - sunshine, bird-song and a sense of God's presence.  Soemtimes I think I can limit the places to where I expect to find God too much.

Weeding I waqs reminded that unless the roots are dealt with it is pretty pointless pulling the leaves off dandelions and I couldn't help think how unless I allow God to deal with things in me at a level beneath the surface I won't fulfil my potential.

Started reading an excellent book by Henri Nouwen, 'The Inner voice of Love' - nuggets of gold on every page.

It's started

After lots of planning my sabbatical has finally arrived!  Surprisingly being on sabbatical has been less stressful than my anticipation of it. I've had to confront some insecurities in myself in the run up to the start of it.

Monday saw Claire, Rachelle, Hannah and I walking along East Wittering beach - it was a beautiful day and precious moments to savour the gift we've been given.

I found my attention drawn to the pebbles on the beach - all of them different, all of them touching the pebbles around them, at one time being used to smooth other pebbles and on other occasions being smoothed by the pebbles around them - no-one pebble more important or beautiful than another. 

As the pebbles on the beach I feel we are in our interactions with others.  I took lots of positive affirmation away from the moments on the beach.